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Best Free Fonts For Web Design # 95

Best Free Fonts For Web Design # 95

Fonts are the most significant thing to consider in Web design. Good use of fonts make your design significantly better so it will communicate better with the user, this process need a good typeface. You can easily get lots of free fonts from internet but you have to...

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Daily Mobile UI Design Inspiration #499

Daily Mobile UI Design Inspiration #499

Are you a UI/UX designer? You are looking for some serious inspiration to inspire you for next project? You are in the correct place. Here we are showcasing the best mobile UI design for your inspiration on a daily basis. We have a team of experts to make sure that...

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Chercher remplacer dans une table PHPMYADMIN

How to search and replace in MySQL database with phpMyAdmin ? Click on your database name, you want to run the search and replace through. Next, click on the SQL tab, in the SQL box, enter something like: UPDATE table_name SET table_field =...

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Ombre Slider

Avec Divi Comment retirer l'ombre interne des slider /*Ombe slider*/ .et_pb_slider .et_pb_slide { -webkit-box-shadow: none; -moz-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; }

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couleur menu

/*couleur sub menu et hover*/ .et_nav_text_color_light #top-menu li li a { color: #000000; } #top-menu ul.sub-menu li a:hover { color:#000000; }

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hauteur d’un slider bien specifique avec DIVI

hauteur d’un slider bien specifique avec DIVI

Pour modifier la hauteur d'un fullwidth slider dans divi il faut : 1 / nommer la classe et l'ID         2/ copier le CSS suivant dans l'epanel /*hauteur slider homepage*/ .temoignage .et_pb_slide_description { padding: 70px 100px; }

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